Friday, September 30, 2011

October Eve

Well I guess its finally fall. Tonight I noticed that our nights have officially started cooling off. Its funny because we are coming out of the hottest couple of months that I can ever remember having, and yet... it wasnt that bad. :)
I havent blogged since April. WOW! I am so bad at this! I guess I could spend a while reflecting on all that has taken place since then.. but I really dont feel like it. I will just start with the NOW!

Summer will be 14 months old in 3 days. I can not believe how big she is. I am not simply saying that either.. she is REALLY big! I think she will be as tall as I am for sure when she grows up and unfortunantly, she got my feet too. This has been a hard week because she has bronchitis, and while Summer is typically a VERY healthy child we have been up every night fighting this endless coughing! :( She started school this month and goes four days a week. I think she really enjoys it, because she doesnt cry when I drop her off anymore. They have fun and play outside, paint, color... I know she really loves to play with the other kids. She is starting to talk a little and says 'pweez' and 'cheeeeese' a lot. She also has started figuring out how to do things for herself. She can help me get her dressed now and if I ask her to go get me a diaper out of her room she will! She will even go and put the dirty one in her diaper champ! I love watching her grow! She is so sweet, even though she has begun to through tantrums that are terrible! The child is SO strong! lol

Lets move on to Lillie. She is in Pre-K now and LOVES her class! We have started car-pooling with the Freys so her and her buddy Reagan get to be in the same class and ride home together! Lil started back at Maximum Athletics in her gymnastic class and while I am not sure she has the focus or drive to be a gymnast.. she says she likes it and I guess that is all that matters! I am so proud of her. She is getting more and more grown up everyday.. as sad as that makes me I kind of enjoy it too because she is more loving now. She will climb up into my lap and let me hold her whenever I want. :) She used to not let me do that.

Bj is doing well too. He is working SO hard. I wish he didnt have to work this hard. Money is a lot tighter than normal since we had to pay out of pocket for his classes this semester and he didnt get ANY financial aid. He does whatever he can to make it work though. I love that man so much. I only hope I can give him back all that he has given me over the years. Its funny because I gave him that song 'more than youll ever know' when we were dating.. but it gets more real everyday.
I am a Sam Houston University Student now. :) I know this is true because I have a couple unpaid parking tickets to prove it... oh ya and the worst schedule EVER! lol The schools took forever getting all my hours in so I had to register without my Junior status and I am all over the place! I barely have time to think and that means I have NO time to clean.. all that has gotten done lately during the week is dishes and laundry.. oh ya and I havent misplaced a child yet either! lol I am really getting into my classes though. Go figure. I never really liked to learn but as I advance I seem to like each class SO much more than the one before.. this semester my two favs are my physics class and BESL. :)
Ok well I better go get Bj to put Lillie in her bed.. she passed out in ours. I need some shut eye. Tomorrow is my niece Bethanys 1st birthday party. :)
OH I almost forgot... I started selling Sentsy ( I know when do I have the time to do that???) So far it has been a lot of fun and while I never liked to sell anything, I like being able to tell people about this stuff.. I LOVE the smells and the warmers and the buddies.. I love it all! :) I even bought a sticker for my car (I am just too scared to put it on because it has my name on it! lol)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Well, I can't believe its been this long since I posted. Even know trying to find something to write is hard, which is puzzling since SO much has happened since the start of the year. In January I went back to taking a full load of classes, which I guess is whats to blame for me not updating my blog. Well, that and the business of chasing around TWO little girls.

Lillie and Summer are growing so beautifully. As Summer gets bigger they seem to be getting closer, as well as having more scuffles! lol. Lillie turned 4 this month. We did her party at her gym and she had so much fun. I am so proud of the little girl she is. She knows about 90% of her letters now and still LOVES going to gymnastics. We decided that May would be her last month so that she can do swimming during June and July. She is SUPER excited about swimming but not so much about not doing gymnastics too. She is still ultra girly and for the most part insists on wearing dresses with sparkly heels and her hair DOWN. :) She is still so beautiful and fun and smart and I love her SOOO much! She has developed an intense love for Bj, it is so cute to watch her with him. He is her prince! :)

Summer is 8 months now and she started walking in the last couple of weeks. I guess I should say that she was crawling at the start of her 6th month. (since I havent posted) She is SO super smart. I love watching her do new things, but it makes me sad at how fast she seems to be growing up! She is VERY tall and already wears 12m clothes and 18m onsies/sleepers!!! At her 6th month dr visit she was 99.36% for her height and it shows! I love this beautiful baby! I love the way she says 'momma' and 'dadada' and knows EXACTLY who she is talking about. She loves to wave 'bu' and sings along with music. She even looks at cards and books and pretends to read. I am steadily amazed by her!

Bj and I just celebrated our birthdays too... Bj is 33 now and I am 27. {sigh} It seems time is moving a lot faster than it used to. I can honestly say that I am more in love with Bj now that I was when we were dating and we celebrated HIS 27th birthday! :) Those memories seem so far away and yet so close. We have been praying a lot for direction lately. We need a change, expecially BJ. We are patiently waiting for God to move, or move us!

We took our first family of four vacation in March to SeaWorld! It was so much fun! Then in April we took the baby to the beach for the first time! Its so great to be able to spend time with my girls. I always want them to know how much their daddy and I love them! :) Thank God for my precious family!